
Cost Per Transcript:

Currently Enrolled Students: $5.00 per transcript
Alumni: $10.00 per transcript

Ordering Transcripts:

1. Log on to

2. Create an account

  • Click on New Learner Account or New Third Party Account

  • Type in name, DOB, highest level of education completed, email, and create password, sign up

  • Go to email account and find confirmation code sent from parchment – Click the Green “Verify your email address”

  • Click in the Blue “Start by adding a school or organization you attended”

  • Add Hastings High School – Search 

  • Make sure you click HHS in MN - Add

  • Add earliest year and expected Grad year

  • Complete the FERPA release (uncheck the authorization for a copy)

  • Click Consent & Request

3. Click Order your Transcript 

4. Select or type in a destination (college, NCAA, individual, common application, etc.)

5. Select when you would like the transcript sent 

  • Send Now

  • Hold for Grades (only applies to mid-year reports and final transcript)

6. Provide consent

  • If you are 18+, use a mouse or stylus to sign YOUR name in the signature box, type your name in the text box, and check the checkbox to confirm that you are authorized to order the transcript

  • If you are under 18, parents/guardians must sign THEIR name in the signature box, type their name in the text box, and check the checkbox that certifies they are authorized to order the transcript

7. Make payment

  • Credit or debit cards only

  •  Track your order