Daily Announcements
Tuesday March 11th - A Day
There will be trivia at lunch today with Grace! Make sure one person from your table brings their Chromebook to lunch.
Model UN club meets today after school
Remember our core values and live the Raider Way by being safe, respectful and responsible.
Monday March 10th - B Day
Chess Club meets today. 5th grade in room 138( Ms. Fitz) and 6-8th grade in room 247( Mr. Krater). Our next meeting will be Monday, April 7th.
There will be trivia at lunch on Wednesday with Grace! Make sure one person from your table brings their Chromebook to lunch.
Congratulations to the 6th grade band students for a great performance in the Minnesota Junior Winds Honor Band Festival on Saturday. Thank you for being incredible representatives of our school.
Students, our staff are looking for Hallway Heroes!! If you receive a green slip, save this to turn into your grade level bin in the cafeteria. You will not be allowed to go to your locker during lunch to get your Hallway Hero slips or your Raider Recognition tickets. Model your “responsibility muscle” and remember to bring these with you to the lunch room.
Remember our core values and live the Raider Way by being safe, respectful and responsible.
Friday March 14th - B Day
Thursday March 13th - A Day
Wednesday March 12th - B Day
Tuesday March 4th - B Day
Monday March 3rd - A Day
The book fair will be in the Library today. Also will be open by the auditorium March 4th and 6th from 6-8:30pm.
Reminder Chess Club meets today. 5th grade in room 138( Ms. Fitz) and 6-8th grade in room 247( Mr. Krater) Hope to see you there.
Remember our core values and live the Raider Way by being safe, respectful and responsible.
Friday March 7th - A Day
Thursday March 6th - B Day
Wednesday March 5th - A Day
Tuesday March 4th - B Day
Tuesday March 4th - B Day
Monday March 3rd - A Day
The book fair will be in the Library today. Also will be open by the auditorium March 4th and 6th from 6-8:30pm.
Reminder Chess Club meets today. 5th grade in room 138( Ms. Fitz) and 6-8th grade in room 247( Mr. Krater) Hope to see you there.
Remember our core values and live the Raider Way by being safe, respectful and responsible.
Friday March 7th - A Day
Thursday March 6th - B Day
Wednesday March 5th - A Day
Tuesday March 4th - B Day